Silver Lake Family Homes is the neighborhood for the general populace. Filled with homes to suit every family size.
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This is where those who cannot afford large houses, or have no use for them, live. Mostly young adults and the occasional independent teen live here.
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This is where the homes of Silver Lake's elite families are found.
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Slumville is exactly as it sounds, the slums of Silver Lake. Homeless people, criminals, and the very poor live here.
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Silver Lake School and Beyond encompasses the elementary, middle, and high schools along with the college all on one campus. This is where the majority of Silver Lake's young go to be educated in various trades such as culinary, business handling, beauty, ballet, various musics, science, tailoring, shoe making, and more.
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Madame Frozbaum's Reformatory caters to the children of the elite business males and females of Silver Lake. Madame Frozbaum's Reformatory offers all of the classes that the Silver Lake School and College offers, but for a price. And where there's a higher price, there's higher quality education, right?
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The wonderful culture of literature and reading material is presented here passionately. Come here and scan through a fair amount of books, magazines, manga, comics, and more from all around. Take a seat and read one, or you can check it out and read it whenever. Every other Saturday, a book store section will be up and running with all sorts of materials in stock.
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